Beyond the digital divide

Our mission: create the largest online community dedicated to freedom of expression through healthy, respectful, and productive conversations.

Meet John

John Matze
John Matze CEO and President
John is a tech visionary, free speech evangelist, and our Head Hedgehog. He is one with social media, but he’s truly an engineer and entrepreneur at heart. He can speak 2.5 languages, juggle, and ride a unicycle — but not all at the same time (yet).

Meet Jared

Jared Thomson
Jared Thomson Chief Technology Officer, @Jared
Jared is our head tech developer guru and a startup veteran. He uses his background and deep knowledge of software and systems engineering to build meaningful communities. He’s definitely the guy to call for good ideas (he’s been called “a human encyclopedia” more than once). He is a man of few words, but don’t let that fool you — when he speaks, the computers listen.

Join the team

Hedgehog is pretty impressive, right? We work tirelessly to change the way people view news and social media, all while having a laugh. If you’re an expert at working hard, but playing harder, we’d love for you to join us. Bring your quirks, humor, and your incredible skills — let’s make some internet-breaking magic.

Check out our open positions.

Manners Matter

For investors

For investors interested in participating in Hedgehog’s growth, please be in touch with our IR team to discuss opportunities.